We use our expertise to conduct applied science on sustainable mobility and about the potential of the bicycle to transform transport and mobility. Our studies always comply with the latest state of science and technology as well as the rules of good scientific practice. Our references are described below.

Sector analysis bicycle production in Germany

T3 examines bicycle production in Germany with regard to its growth and employment requirements and potential. The following three research questions are pursued:

1) To define bicycle production in Germany on the basis of existing companies, products and locations and, in consequence, to analyse employment, working conditions and qualification trends. Particular attention is paid to the new demands placed on employees because of digitalisation.

2) To understand the innovation dynamics of the industry and their impact on manufacturers’ business models. The focus here is on the fluid transition between production and trade, the trend to produce “connected bikes”, and cross-innovations from other sectors, e.g. the automotive industry.

3) To define the role of the German location in global bicycle production by analysing the international interdependencies of manufacturers, their integration into value chains and friend/nearshoring activities.

Sponsor: Hans-Böckler-Foundation

Duration: 12/2023 – 10/2024

Cycling as an economic factor in Rhineland-Palatinate

The Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture (MWVWL) is planning to hold a major event on cycling in Rhineland-Palatinate on 26 September 2024. Together with the Institute for Work and Technology at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, T3 elaborates a study on cycling as an economic factor in Rhineland-Palatinate to prepare for this event.

In a holistic approach to discuss cycling as an economic factor, the study analyses the areas of bicycle production, trade, services, cycle tourism, and planning/construction of cycling paths. Economic indicators (employment, turnover, others) in Rhineland-Palatinate are compared to the German figures. In addition, the project pursues a participatory approach that raises awareness among Rhineland-Palatinate’s cycling stakeholders in the run-up to the congress by working with them to identify the state’s strengths and weaknesses in that regard. Frederic Rudolph will give a keynote speech at the congress.

Client: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture Rhineland-Palatinate (MWVWL)

Duration: 11/2023 – 9/2024

Company bicycles in Germany: Status Quo and prospects

This study examined the German company bike leasing market. The main questions were, which employees opt for a company bike, which employees have not yet decided for a company bike and which employees are not yet offered the opportunity by their employers to use this benefit. 

Clients: Company bike leasing providers

Duration: 09/2023 – 05/2024

Transport infrastructure in Europe

The T3 has conducted a study on the development of transport infrastructure in Europe. The Wuppertal Institute was involved in the study.

The study compares the investments in road construction and railroads in 30 European countries since 1995, as well as the development of the length of roads and railroads during this period. This database is used to analyze the development of demand on these modes of transport for each country and to examine the extent to which they were influenced by the respective supply.

The next step is to research sections of track for high-speed trains and to look for disused railroad lines in order to better understand investment priorities. The results of the study have attracted a great deal of media attention, including an editorial in the Guardian. We discuss the results in our blog.

Client: Greenpeace in Central and Eastern Europe

Duration: 1/2023 – 9/2023